Saturday, June 10, 2006


Watching movies at home

To rent a DVD, CityVideo has a wide collection but quite expensive. Instead, a membership to Pestalozzi library can give access to a good collection of DVDs for free. (You pay a negligible annual fee first) You can rent 3 DVDs at a time and keep them for a week. They have a big audio library too. Another nice thing, almost all the disks are full releases (i.e both have English soundtrack, subtitles and text for the hearing disabled) At CityVideo this is not the case.
On the other hand I found some DVDs (from Pestalozzi) are overused and did not work properly. A few jumps are OK but if it stops running just before the detective unearths the hidden villain, it gets nasty. No problem so far with CityVideo disks.
Barkat stores carry lots of Bollywood DVDs from India and sell them under 10 frank.
MediaMarkt last year had a very big DVD sale. You can also find good deals at InterDiscount too. For instance nowadays some good titles are on sale and go for 9.95 each

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