Tuesday, May 30, 2006
What am I going to write
So instead of writing about, say, Davos, I'll try to write about parking problems there. So my hours wasted there to find a parking area will turn into a shared experience.
Similarly, English speaking communities' non-profitweb sites and a few commercial sites offer very rich information about Switzerland for those living or moving into here. A few examples:
- http://www.baselexpats.com/pn/html/index.php
http://www.expat-expo.info/ or http://www.zurich-relocation.ch/ - There is also an English only radio station in Geneve area
however most of them seem to be addressing only British/Americans or the Europeans at best. For instance a nice web site called Comparis.ch suggests that you can replace your driver license within one year while this rule doesn’t apply to those from Turkey and Portugal (and a ton of others).
A report about the foreign population in Switzerland states that around 60% of all foreigners are from EU/EFTA countries and 40 % from the rest of the world. Including US and Japan we can say that two third of the foreign population is well covered. I will try to address the remaining one-third along with the main body. Ethno-marketing is part of my job and I notice that, that 1/3 is quite vibrant as well. They have over 100 organizations, publications and events. Of course for the first generation Turks, Albanians, Croatians and the like, English was not the most appropriate language to use but things are changing rapidly.